The Boonshoft Museum of Discovery’s educational programs, events, and exhibits would not be possible without generous support from local companies and members of our community. From bringing unique STEM experiences to classrooms across southwestern Ohio to sparking the curiosity of thousands of guests that attend the Museum each year, our donors and sponsors provide critical funds that create these special moments.
The Boonshoft Museum works with a myriad of different companies, organizations, and individuals to create a plan that maximizes their sponsorship investment while reaching their philanthropic and marketing goals.
Sponsorship of Dayton Society of Natural History’s programs, special events, and exhibits can include extensive recognition through print and media campaigns, naming rights, complimentary Memberships, private access to the Museum for after-hours use, and much more.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please email donorrelations@boonshoftmuseum.org
or call 937.275.7431 x. 146
Jesse and Caryl Philips Foundation
John W. Wolf
The City of Dayton
Houtz Family Foundation
Kettering Family Philanthropies
Charles D. Berry Foundation
Dayton Children's Hospital
Honda of America Mfg., Inc.
David B. Jones Foundation
National Endowment for the Humanities
State of Ohio
Trimbach, Jason & Neteiea
AES Ohio Foundation
CareSource Foundation
City of Dayton Department of Water
Mathile Family Foundation
Miami Conservancy District
Montgomery County Arts & Cultural District
Ohio EPA - Ohio Environmental Education Fund
In-Kind Donations
Belly Dance by Bronwen
Buckeye Pools
Coleman, Donna
City of Dayton Dept. of Water
Devonshire Dragons
Environmental Management, Inc.
Foremost Seafood
Front Street Artists
Hopkins, Patrick
Kuehne, Lois & Chuck
Technology First
Trimbach, Jason & Neteiea
Association of Science and Technology
Dayton Metro Library
Disability Foundation
Featherstone, Diana & McKay
PNC Foundation
Rieck Services
Tait Foundation
Tschudin, Sherry
Everett C. and Margie Mack Yowell Endowment Fund
Beran, John
Hess, Steve & Barbara
Charles E. Hoffman Fund
McGohan Brabender Inc.
Merrill Lynch
Shriners Children's Ohio
Skynet Innovations
SRC, Inc.
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Thomas, Jon & Dianne
United Rehabilitation Services of Greater Dayton
Winsupply Inc.
Wright-Patt Credit Union
Wright State University
ZuZu for Kids
2J Supply
Anderson, John
ACCO Brands
Berry Family Foundation
Brady Ware Inc.
Brixey & Meyer
Bailey, Heather & Scenna, Frank
Burris, Krystle & Jason
The John E. & Jean M. Coleman Fund
ContempoRoast LLC
Coca Cola Consolidated
Castro, Austin & Alysa
Danis Construction
Deluca, Susan
On Par Entertainment
Enterprise Roofing
Franklin, Matthew & Jessica
Funston, Greg
Great Escape Game
GE Aerospace
Hoffman, Timothy & Cynthia
Hapner, Kyle & Lindsey
Hoelting, Dan & Jessica
Ingram, Ryan & Trista
Levin Porter Architects
Thompson Hine LLP
McMurry, Glen & Angela
Malesko, Mike & Rebecca
Marsh McLennan Agency
Manning, Alicia & Matt
Ohio Pain Clinic
Osborn, Koh
Posey, Terry & Lindsey
Pettee, Ms. Anne M.
Reynolds & Reynolds Associate Foundation
Schwieterman, Jay & Susan
Soin, Yasmeen & Amol
Schwartz, Mr. & Mrs. Richard W.
Stickel, Jeffrey & Jessica
Trimbach, Debra & Greg
Congressman Mike Turner
Trappe, Brianne & Hayslett, William
VFW Post 2800
VFW Post 6861
Wells Fargo
Weltge, Brian
Westerhaus, Doug & Vicki
John B. Greene Society
Beran, John & Kathleen
Bieser, Sidney
Farrell, Shawn & Jessica
Featherstone, Diana & McKay
Goodwin, Melody & Hahn
Harden, Rusty & Conley, Tim
Hess, Steve & Barbara
Hoffbauer, Gregory & Mindy
Hoffman, Timothy & Cynthia
Houser, Michael
Houtz, Timothy & Nancy
Hull, Douglas & Martin, Christine
Jones, Walter & Cheryl Rash
Kambitsch, Timothy & Beall, Julie
Lundin, Carol & Richard
Miller, Steven & Jacqueline
Philips Caryl D. & Zeiss, Frank
Posey, Terry & Lindsey
Rice, Timothy & Jeannie
Ross, Carissa & Andrew
Soin, Amol & Yasmeen
Stang, Nora
Stemen, Michael & Annete
Tomme, Tracey & Edward
Trimbach, Jason & Neteiea
Tschudin, Sherry
Westendorf, Michael
Wolf, Rick & Ruth